Real Estate Appraisal & Consulting Services

Years of Industry Experience

KAMSOL Elite Consultants Inc is an reputable real estate appraisal and consulting firm, servicing the Provinces of Saskatchewan and British Columbia.

Our services are offered for a wide variety of properties including but not limited to residential, commercial, institutional, agricultural, and industrial properties. Our company’s mission is to offer the highest quality appraisal and real estate consulting services to clients.

We provide a wide variety of real estate appraisal and consulting services to different Banks, Financial Institutes, Mortgage Insurance Companies, Credit Unions, Appraisal Management Companies, Mortgage Brokers, Investors and Realtors.

awesome team

We have the best team

Alireza Nafisi
Alireza Nafisi

Appraiser, AACI, P. App, P. Eng, PMP

Alireza (Ali) achieved the highest appraisal designation, Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute (AACI), with the Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC). He received his Diploma in Urban Land Economics from the University of British Colombia. Alireza has Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. He has a Professional Engineer Designation (P. Eng) with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Colombia (EGBC). He also has PMP (Project Management Professional) designation with Project Management Institute (PMI). Alireza is experienced in appraising residential, commercial, institutional, agricultural, and industrial properties. As the highlight of his public positions during his career, Alireza had served the Government of Saskatchewan as the Manager of Building Assessments.

Sohaib Ansari
Sohaib Ansari

Appraiser AACI, P. App, CRP, MBA

Sohaib achieved the highest appraisal designation, Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute (AACI), with the Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC). He received his Post-Graduate Certificate in Valuations (PGCV) from the University of British Colombia. Sohaib has a Certified Reserve Planner designation with AIC. Sohaib has Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA). Sohaib is experienced in appraising residential, commercial, institutional, agricultural, and industrial properties. As the highlight of his public positions during his career, Sohaib served the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) to assess oil and gas installations, mines, and heavy industrial properties.

Atieh Madraki

Operations Manager, B. Eng, MEM

Atieh is the Company Manager at KAMSOL Elite Consultants. She supervises the day-to-day business and accounting of KAMSOL Elite Consultants. She started with KAMSOL Elite Consultants as Building Analyst and still reviews their work. Atieh has Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Systems Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Engineering Management (MEM). As the highlight of her public positions during her career, Atieh served the Saskatchewan Power Corporation (SaskPower) for 8 years.

Saeed Nafisi
Saeed Nafisi

Building Analyst

Saeed is Building Analyst working at KAMSOL Elite Consultants. Saeed is a knowledgeable building inspector with years of proven experience. He has Bachelor’s Degree in Science. He provides analysis and classification of building elements to our clients.

sam Nezamloo
Sam Nezamloo

Senior Building Analyst, M. Eng, P. Eng

Sam is Senior Building Analyst at KAMSOL Elite Consultants. Sam has Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Sam has a Master’s Degree in Industrial Systems Engineering from the University of Regina. Sam has a Professional Engineering Designation (P. Eng) with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS). Sam is also a Licensed Real Estate Agent who received his education from the University of British Colombia. He has demonstrated commitment to the community through voluntary contributions in Saskatchewan in recent years. As the highlight of his public positions during his career, Sam served the City of Regina for 5 years.

Gisoo Madraki

Appraiser in Training

Gisoo is an AIC Candidate (Canadian Residential Appraiser) with the Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC). She works on residential appraisals under the supervision of AACI appraisers. She is also a Licensed Real Estate Agent who received her education from the University of British Colombia.

A short statistics about us

10,000+ Clients Served







